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What are some of the best ways enterprise streamers can produce and deliver high-engagement and high-reliability hybrid events that serve their streaming audiences as effectively as their on-site participants? 答案是艺术与科学、战略与技术的结合. 安迪·霍华德,创始人 & 董事总经理, 霍华德 & 的同事的CEO迈克·纽曼讨论了这个话题, MediaPlatform以及媒体工程主管丹·斯威尼, LinkedIn.

安迪霍华德问迈克纽曼, “未来几年,你们的客户要求你们创新什么?”

Newman focuses on how hybrid experiences should be optimized for both virtual and in-person audiences. “你试图处理流动性他说。, 指出现在的观众包括各种各样的背景, 比如在车里的人, 在一次会议上, 或者在公司会议上. 什么最重要?, 他认为, 是优化用户粘性, 尤其是对现场观众来说. “他们能参加Q吗?&A,投票?他说. “他们能投票表达自己的情感吗? Do they feel like they're getting the same experience as some of the online people participating? The real trick to it is having the right amount of engagement for wherever that person is residing or watching and also not compromising the other aspects of online presentations that you may have really grown accustomed to having. 例如, 跟踪, 监控, 分析, 服务质量监控, 安全认证.”

Newman notes that one element which is rapidly changing is the acquisitions of Enterprise Content Delivery Network (eCDN) companies. “你有 Peer5 收购 微软他说。. “他们正在嵌入分销技术和团队. This is an area of innovation where you'll be able to aggregate some really critical quality of service, 指标, 以及一些实时监控,这是跨cdn的整体监控. 通过静默测试,你可以做一些非常有趣的事情, 故障转移非常有趣.他开玩笑说,这些事情可能就像“打扫烟囱一样迷人”,但即便如此, 它们是必不可少的. “为了每天成功地向成千上万的人传递内容, 这是至关重要的他说。. “这是一个在混合动力的保护下的领域, we're spending a lot of time and really investing in our partnerships with companies like 微软.”

LinkedIn的Dan Swiney强调,ecdn仍然至关重要, even without a full return of participants to on-site content delivery infrastructures. “我们的eCDN确实会出现这样的问题,‘我们需要它吗?’”他说. “事实证明,它还有很多其他有价值的功能, 就像纽曼所说的那样, 分析和故障转移以及其他我们确实需要的功能.斯威尼说,尽管LinkedIn不像以前那样经常使用他们的现场校园, “It's something you have to get out in front of because you don’t want your IT folks knocking on the door after you onboard a platform that doesn't have an eCDN feature or some solution like that.”

霍华德欣然同意所有这些观点. “我曾听到一些人说,‘我不再需要eCDN了. And I'm like, well, eventually people are going to start coming back to the office. 当他们在办公室的时候, 他们不仅做网络广播和网络研讨会, 但他们也在做视频会议他说。. “因此,网络上的视频数量大幅增加, 你需要提前做好准备,确保你的活动不会失败. 我们不想回到21世纪初,那时你有一个大型网络直播, 因为你决定停用你的eCDN.”

欲知更多有关ecdn的资料,请浏览 流媒体东部2023.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


As streaming has moved through the pandemic years into a new normal that isn't exactly what anyone expected, the meaning of hybrid event streaming production and delivery that has emerged over the last few years continues to evolve. So what does it mean in 2023, for producers, organizations, and audiences, both onsite and remote? And what can streamers do to level the playing field for those participating from near and far? 这段视频来自他们最近在2023年流媒体连接上的小组讨论, LiveX的安娜·考德里报道, 俄亥俄州立大学的德里克·弗里曼, 波士顿25新闻的本·拉特纳报道, Stream4us的Anthony burrokas说道, 和霍华德 & 的同事' Andy 霍华德 discuss best definitions and best practices for hybrid event video in 2023.


Pursuing a multi-CDN strategy is critical to reliable and high-performance edge delivery when streaming at scale to disparate audiences in multiple regions. But what do large-scale streamers need to know about multi-CDN decisioning and traffic-shaping to optimize performance? 和声乐团的杰夫·吉尔伯特, 派拉蒙的肖恩·麦卡锡, and Live X's Corey Behnke offer last-mile best practices in this clip from their panel at 流媒体东部2023.


Are hybrid meetings the new normal for corporate communications, presentations, and training? EY's Waseem Ahmad and LinkedIn's Dan Swiney discuss the future of hybrid events and the technical challenges involved in getting there in this clip from 流媒体 Connect 2023.


What are hybrid streaming environments and how do large-scale streamers and broadcasters manage workloads and divide tasks between cloud and on-prem infrastructure? 微软's Andy Beach and TV2's Loke Dupont discuss distribution strategies in this clip from 流媒体 Connect 2023.


The biggest problem with hybrid events is focusing entirely on the on-site audience treating the online/digital audience like an afterthought. 090 Media的Alex Lindsay报道, 谁在大流行之前很久就开始制作虚拟和混合活动, and Social180Group's John Porterfield provide indispensable tips on how to avoid falling into that trap, and fully integrating digital audiences into the event experience in this clip from 流媒体 Connect 2023.


With so many virtual event platforms available today, which one is right for your events? 090 Media的Alex Lindsay报道 and BC Live's Dan Houze pull no punches when assessing what the current crop of platforms get wrong, 他们怎样才能做得更好, and how to avoid the common pitfalls of producing virtual and hybrid events that don't pass muster in this clip from 流媒体 Connect 2023.


How do streaming platforms such as Disney and EvocaTV handle the variables of Quality of Service (QoS) and Quality of Experience (QoE)? Pankaj Chaudhari of Disney and Imran Maskatia of Evoca TV discuss the variables impacting both efficient QoS and QoE and the ways their organizations work to mitigate issues and solve them when they arise.


LiveSwitch创始人 & CEO Jerod Venema discusses when low-latency streaming matters most and how increasingly common those latency-critical streaming experiences are becoming in this clip from 流媒体 West 2021.

体验质量和. QoS

Disney Streaming's Robert Coluantoni and JD Power's Ian Greenblatt break down the differences between quality of service (QoS) and quality of experience (QoE) for streaming end users in this clip from 流媒体 Connect 2021.
