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潜望镜 Introduces Changes to Fight Off Facebook Live Video

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潜望镜 doesn’t feel like the bustling live video social network it once was, no doubt partly due to a fierce live video rivalry from Facebook, but its creators aren't ready to throw in the towel just yet (or change direction, as Meerkat has done). Today, the company announced changes designed to make 潜望镜 more appealing. First off, videos will no longer expire after 24 hours, as they do now. They'll be available permanently, accessible from the user's profile page or from links inside of tweets.

While videos will stick around by default, users will have the option to delete them by choice. The change won't happen for three weeks, but users who want to save their videos before then can type "#save" in the video's description when streaming.

潜望镜 is also adding a search bar, and allowing users to organize their videos into categories such as food, 旅行, 和艺术. Users will need to insert a hashtag into their titles to add videos to a category.

最后, 潜望镜 is getting in on the drone action, partnering with DJI so that its Phantom models can stream live video. Will this be enough to lure people back to 潜望镜—and away from Facebook? We'll find out soon enough.

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