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Survey: Broadcast TV Is Here To Stay (For Now), But Convergence Is On the Way


Broadcast television is here to stay, 至少在可预见的未来是这样, and the streaming industry can learn from broadcasters as the lines blur between the two. That convergence also brings about the need for converged security and content protection solutions.

That's the data-driven message delivered today as part of the 2022 Secure Streaming and Broadcast Workflows 简而言之就是 available for any industry professional to download. 这项调查是由 Intertrust ExpressPlay, hosted by 流媒体, and created by the research team at 帮助我流研究基金会.

"Today's live-linear and live-event streaming providers share a similar end goal with broadcasters,西格林说, Founding Executive Director of 帮助我流研究基金会. “两家公司都希望提供实时内容, 在规模, 给全球观众, while also protecting premier-event or premium content revenues from piracy."

在昨天的网络研讨会上, Siglin and Intertrust ExpressPlay VP of Marketing Ali Hodjat walked the audience through the key survey findings, which had approximately 225 responses from industry professionals across North America, 欧洲, 南美洲和亚太地区. Participants each received an early-release copy of the brief as thanks for attending the webinar. (网络研讨会是 可按需观看.)

While participants heard Hodjat and Siglin provide analysis on a wide variety of topics focused on the convergence of broadcast and streaming workflows, including the need to consider a consistent security and rights-management strategy to secure content, the floor was also open for participants to ask questions regarding the findings.

One such question centered on the fragmentation of smart- or connected-TV operating systems, which survey data revealed to be widespread.

"Is the proprietary nature of the smart TV working against its growth as a consumption device?一位参与者问道, noting that most mobile devices (smartphones and tablets) "have two basic ecospheres to work with related to streaming apps."

Hojdat explained that participants from the streaming industry may view the work of connected TVs as just another device type—a growing number of devices are used for both live broadcast and live-linear delivery—but that the connected TV landscape continues to evolve.

Other audience questions pertained to demographics, as well as balancing the cost of anti-piracy measures against revenue earned.

调查中的其他主题, which are covered in the brief available today, highlight some of the advantages of broadcast television, perception of antis-piracy services, and the need to consider not just securing encoding and delivery workflows but also considering how content is presented to consumers, from operator apps on connected TVs to hybrid set-top boxes. 

As for the "broadcast is not dead" claim mentioned at the top of this article, the top takeaway from the 2022 Secure Broadcast and Streaming Workflows survey emphasizes this point:

"Despite continued live-linear and on-demand streaming growth, survey respondents—63% of whom work exclusively in the streaming industry—believe broadcast TV will remain viable for the foreseeable future."

更多的 detail on this—and other pertinent data—can be found in the survey brief.


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Take 流媒体's Spring 2024 State of Streaming Survey

StreamingMedia的团队.com and 帮助我流研究基金会 are getting a jump on spring by releasing the Spring 2024 edition of the State of Streaming survey. This survey is our twice-annual look at the overall streaming industry. Take the survey today and help us understand just how the streaming landscape has shifted in the past six months.

Take 流媒体's Spring 2023 State of Streaming Survey

StreamingMedia的团队.com and 帮助我流研究基金会 are getting a jump on spring by releasing the Spring 2023 edition of the State of Streaming survey. This survey is our twice-annual look at the overall streaming industry. Take the survey today and help us understand just how the streaming landscape has shifted in the past six months.

Take 流媒体's Autumn 2022 State of Streaming Survey

每6个月, we gauge the state of the streaming industry with a survey looking at monetization, 观众的大小, 视频质量选择, 和更多的. Take the survey and be entered into a drawing for 1 of 2 $175 Amazon gift cards. 调查将于11月5日星期六结束!

Take the Spring 2022 State of Streaming Survey

每6个月, we gauge the state of the streaming industry with a survey looking at monetization, 观众的大小, 视频质量选择, 和更多的. Take the survey and be entered into a drawing for an Oculus Quest 2. 调查将于5月12日星期五结束!
