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的 Argument for Addressable Advertising


几年来, 我曾在一个以盈利为重点的会议上工作过,该会议对概率测量和确定性测量进行了深入的辩论. 每次我开始听到这种闲聊时,我都会微笑、点头,然后迅速离开房间.

But for those of us who follow the streaming advertising industry and ad tech, 掌握这些话题的实用知识是很重要的,即使对它们的相对优点的长期辩论让我们争相退出. 对于本专栏, 我和拉里·艾伦谈过, VP and general manager of data and addressable enablement at 康卡斯特广告“什么是可寻址广告??“可寻址”一词指的是针对数字和广播库存,并能够在家庭层面上购买受众群体.

根据… 进行可寻址行业调查在美国,73%的营销人员正在使用addressable,同比增长16%. 更重要的是, 47%的受访广告商表示,可寻址性在他们的前期谈判中发挥了重要或非常重要的作用.


现在,线性广播不再主导广告支持的媒体和娱乐领域, 广告商需要数据将受众的广告曝光与结果确定地联系起来, 艾伦说. Most of the data that advertisers focus on reflects targeting on premium content, but this approach works for non-premium content as well. “Everything is matched to household address,艾伦解释道, “but there are other identifiers that can tie to it. 的y could be behavioral attributes, 购买属性, or third-party licensed data from other sources.”

In 今年的预支, 艾伦说, “可寻址和流媒体是对话的重要组成部分,因为广告商理所当然地试图跟随观众. 的refore, they now need to negotiate their buys across linear and digital. 的y’re thinking, ‘How do I reach my audiences cross-platform?’ And one of the big reasons for that is better ROI measurement.”

广告商可以通过免费的Wheel或其他供应端平台的担保购买或竞价购买来购买可寻址广告. “任何销售广告的人都希望将所有的库存统一到一个桶中,这样他们就可以针对买家想要追求的任何特定目标拥有最大的规模和影响力,艾伦说。. Addressable, he 说s, effectively answers the question, “Who is my audience?”


An addressable-ready ad-supported service, 艾伦解释说, 可以在广告客户的目标受众和订户之间进行确定匹配,并在广告库存中激活他们.他说,这就是他们的广告库存有价值的原因,即使他们还没有形成规模.

确定性数据应该是观众可以直接提供的准确信息, or it can incorporate personally
identifiable elements such as names or email addresses. 概率数据包括单个信息片段,例如设备的信息
操作系统或IP地址. This data is what’s used for targeting when supplied data is missing. In other words, a probabilistic scenario is
based on a panel of representative viewers. 如果FAST服务达到200万人,则代表小组可能没有代表
在200万观众中. 如果是这样的话, 据艾伦说, “they can’t use a third-party measurement service to validate their inventory
并据此卖出. 如果你是一个快速频道, 除非你有第三方衡量,否则你无法了解你的受众是谁
service letting you know who’s actually watching your stuff. 的 state of measurement today for these environments is pretty weak.”

How much of FAST content is sold as addressable? “I don’t have the exact percentage,艾伦说。, “但如果承载FAST内容的底层平台启用了该技术,并提供与确定性客户匹配的库存能力, 这是有可能的.

“康卡斯特正在为FAST的合作伙伴提供这项功能,”他继续说道. “免费的Wheel and other ad servers are providing impression reporting. I wouldn’t consider that measurement.他接着列举了VideoAmp, Comscore, and Nielsen as services that can measure addressable inventory today.


“Brands that we talk to are very concerned about driving incremental reach—i.e.比如,找到最后15%或20%的很难接触到的用户。. 前提是可寻址找到这些受众,比购买更有成效, 说, the 18-to-49 demographic in a specific designated marketing area (DMA).

“That’s one area where we think addressable works really well and is a benefit,艾伦解释道, “因为如果你把广告放在对某件事感兴趣的人面前, 这很好.”


频率 remains a pressing problem, 据艾伦说. “It’s a pain point for a couple of reasons. 首先,当你一遍又一遍地看到同样的广告时,这不利于消费者的体验.“这可能意味着在短时间内在一个或多个服务中看到相同的广告. “的 reason why that’s happening in many cases,他解释道, “is because of the fragmentation of these services, and they don’t necessarily always have the same IDs.”

更重要的是, 他的报告, “only half of campaigns are even frequency-capped at this point, according to a 免费的Wheel study we did, 这不是很好. 能够使用可寻址信号允许您去重复和频率上限.”


2022年康卡斯特广告报告 说s buyers still face challenges in obtaining incremental reach, mentioning cost and frequency control as the biggest obstacles. 这项对数十亿次印象的研究得出结论,广告商应该采取两项措施来最大化覆盖范围和频率:

  • 将20%-30%的付费视频预算分配给流媒体,其余的分配给传统电视.
  • Allocate 30% of impressions to highly targeted, 可寻址的策略, and allocate the remaining impressions to broader, data-driven TV and streaming across networks and dayparts and over months.

支持可寻址的关键论点是,将客户信息与观看行为和消费行为联系起来的能力,使广告商更加了解他们对计划和购买的看法. “一旦你知道谁在看,或者谁可能在看,他们就有可能进行交易,艾伦说。, “wouldn’t you want to buy just those people?”

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


After reviewing Nielsen/Gracenote's 2023 State of Play report, Data-Driven Per­sonalization: 的 Future of Streaming Content Discovery, I found the numbers they cited to be very much on the creative side. I don't get a warm, fuzzy feeling when I think about their research.


广告购买正在改变. 例如, 现在,你可以从一家对当地观看数据有深入了解的机构那里购买, 或者你可以去找电视制造商,他们对其硬件上的所有观看情况都有深入的了解.

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