
Streaming Media Connect 2024 this August 20-22 offers practical advice, inspiring thought leadership, actionable insights, and lively debate. 您将听到世界领先组织和专家在直播中部署的创新方法, OTT, content delivery, content monetization, and much more. We are excited to offer this series of web events, 期待着继续为我们的行业提供你在其他地方无法获得的尖端信息和教育.

Tuesday, Aug 20

Online Sessions


TUE1. Ad Counsel: Delivering Streaming Ads That Convert

10:00 AM2024-08-202024-08-20

Tuesday, August 20: 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. (ET) / 7:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. (PT)

Advertising on CTV, OTT, and mobile streaming is a red-hot topic these days, 部分原因是,即使是以前以订阅为中心的流媒体服务和平台,也在越来越多地调整其货币化模式,以增加广告收入. 这也是因为在生态系统中衡量和最大化广告涉及到难以捉摸的艺术和科学. This session confronts the current challenges (or, some would say, 失败)可靠地向观众提供正确的广告,并为品牌提供可衡量的结果,并讨论了创新技术和策略,以使流媒体广告发挥作用.


, Co-Founder/Lead Analyst, TVREV


, Director, Ad Operations & Technology, Infinitive

, SVP, Business Intelligence, Advertiser Perceptions

, VP Business Operations, Digital and Streaming Media, Estrella MediaCo

, SVP of Research & Marketing, Vevo


TUE2. Vendor Keynote: Cloudinary

11:30 AM2024-08-202024-08-20

Tuesday, August 20: 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. (ET) / 8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. (PT)


TUE3. Now It’s Personal: AI and Streaming Personalization

01:00 PM2024-08-202024-08-20

Tuesday, August 20: 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. (ET) / 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. (PT)

人工智能改变流媒体生态系统的许多方式都发生在幕后, 涉及工作流程的简化或重复生产或交付任务的自动化. But AI also has the potential to transform viewing experiences, making them more personal and immersive. 该小组探讨了什么是可能的,什么是可能的,以及我们如何期望看到人工智能对流媒体体验的现实影响在未来几个月和几年内形成.


, CEO, Chris Pfaff Tech Media and Producers Guild of America (PGA), VR AR Association (VRARA)


, Chief Content Officer, TCL

, Founder - Creative Director - Product Evangelist, Vionlabs AB

, Senior Director of Engineering, Google TV


TUE4. Breaking FAST: How to Succeed With FAST News

02:30 PM2024-08-202024-08-20

Tuesday, August 20: 2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. (ET) / 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. (PT)

新闻广播是FAST发展最令人兴奋和增长最快的领域之一, 2024年初,BBC/AMC 24小时直播FAST新闻频道宣布开播. Other legacy media news broadcasters are betting big on the FAST news space, many of them with a focus on local content, bringing more dynamism to the FAST ecosystem. What are some of the current trends and challenges for FAST news delivery, and how is FAST performing as a news media medium?


, Founder & Managing Director, The Local Act Consultancy


, Founder & CEO, Ashling Digital

, VP & Head of News Standards, Scripps Networks

, GM of Video & Audio, Bloomberg Media


TUE5. 帽子戏法:提供可扩展、执行和参与的直播体验

04:00 PM2024-08-202024-08-20

Tuesday, August 20: 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. (ET) / 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. (PT)

大规模的直播为各种活动的粉丝和品牌提供了巨大的回报, from sports to concerts and festivals. Effective streams deliver personalized, interactive experiences that traditional broadcasts can’t match. 但要想在大规模直播领域取得成功,就意味着在保持高质量方面面临更大的挑战, consistent uptime and seamless ad experiences—all while keeping pirates at bay. 这个由大型事件流媒体专家组成的小组深入研究了在2024年大规模提供大型流媒体的持续挑战.


, Consultant, Reality Software and Contributing Editor, Streaming Media


, Global Leader, Solutions Architecture, M&E, Games and Sports, Amazon Web Services

, Director, Ad Operations & Technology, Infinitive

, CEO, B Live

, President, Team Whistle, a DAZN Group Company

Wednesday, Aug 21

Online Sessions


WED1. Over the Hedge: Monetizing CTV and FAST Channels as Walled Gardens Proliferate

10:00 AM2024-08-212024-08-21

Wednesday, August 21: 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. (ET) / 7:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. (PT)

智能电视OEM的出现为平台分销商创造了越来越多的机会,也为内容提供商带来了挑战,因为分销商在库存和收入分成中所占的比例越来越大,从而在销售硬件方面产生了更大的收益. 在下一代的“围墙花园”中,程序员如何应对需要广告支持的高编程成本 smart TV 拥有大量库存拆分和注册用户的原始设备制造商已经崭露头角? 通用标识符的难题如何与日益重要的上下文对齐相抗衡? 谁能最好地管理公平的商业行为,让买方有平等的机会进入各种供应渠道, and how can all parties mutually prosper?


, EVP, Crackle Connex


, Co-Founder/Lead Analyst, TVREV

, CEO, IAB Tech Lab

, Head of Insights, North America, Samsung Ads

, Head of Roku Ad Exchange, Roku

, Founder & Managing Director, The Local Act Consultancy


WED2. Subscription Management and the Great Rebundling

11:30 AM2024-08-212024-08-21

Wednesday, August 21: 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. (ET) / 8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. (PT)

With the constant push and pull of market fragmentation and consolidation, 完全或部分依赖于持续订阅收入的流媒体服务需要的不仅仅是优质丰富的内容,以应对用户流失并保持用户粘性. As consumer budgets tighten, free and ad-supported options multiply and emerge as new norms, 因此,基于订阅的流媒体需要让消费者尽可能轻松、无缝地发现和访问他们想要的内容. More and more, that means bundling and streamlining offerings. 这个小组由内容所有者、订阅管理战略家和专家组成,讨论使订阅更顺畅的艺术和科学, simpler, and as churn-proof as possible. 


, Principal, Erickson Strategy & Insights


, Principal and Founder, Hub Entertainment Research

, Head of Partner Management, Plex


WED3. Fireside Chats With Evan Shapiro

01:00 PM2024-08-212024-08-21

Wednesday, August 21: 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. (ET) / 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. (PT)


, Owner + Cartographer, ESHAP


WED4. Tech Talks

02:30 PM2024-08-212024-08-21

Wednesday, August 21: 2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. (ET) / 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. (PT)

行业领导者讨论并展示最新的尖端解决方案和策略,以帮助您在流媒体视频工作流程中最大限度地提高效率并降低成本. ATTEND FOR YOUR CHANCE TO WIN A $50 AMAZON GIFT CARD!


, VP & Editor-in-Chief, Streaming Media, Information Today, Inc.

Tech Talk: AJA Video Systems

, VP & Editor-in-Chief, Streaming Media, Information Today, Inc.


, Manager, Product Management, AJA Video Systems


WED5. Ex-Factor: Cutting Cloud Streaming OpEx

04:00 PM2024-08-212024-08-21

Wednesday, August 21: 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. (ET) / 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. (PT)

将流架构和工作流迁移到云的理由通常是基于可伸缩性, flexibility, 与固定成本的在线流媒体业务相比,它还节省了大量成本. 但是,基于云的流媒体可能会产生大量的运营成本,以及出口费用和疏忽的倾向,使系统在错误的时间运行. With the lion’s share of the industry already embracing cloud-based streaming, 话题转向管理和简化云运营成本,以及实施策略和技术,以使这些运营尽可能具有成本效益. This expert panel explains how.


, CEO, Streaming Video Technology Alliance


, Senior Director, Advanced Production Technologies, CBS Sports, Paramount Global

, Vice President, Strategic Media Solutions, A+E Networks and SMPTE, DPP

, VP, Strategic Account Development, Zixi

, Principal Solutions Architect MEGS, AWS

Thursday, Aug 22

Online Sessions


THU1. Research Keynote: Live Streaming Technology Trends

10:00 AM2024-08-222024-08-22

Thursday, August 22: 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. (ET) / 7:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. (PT)

2024年直播最关键的商业和技术挑战是什么? 从获取、摄取到交付,都有哪些平台和协议在发挥作用? Is the transition to cloud workflows still a prevailing trend? What are realistic expectations for streaming latency, and where are streamers and audiences prioritizing it the highest? And how is the device landscape shaping up for live content consumption? 数据再次成为流媒体连接的中心舞台,我们报告了流媒体最新的直播调查结果, conducted in June and July of this year, so the findings are fresh, and the analysis is even fresher.


, VP & Editor-in-Chief, Streaming Media, Information Today, Inc.


, Co-Founder, Softvelum

, Founder, Help Me Stream Research Foundation


THU2. The Real Value of Artificial Intelligence—The Debate Continues!

11:30 AM2024-08-222024-08-22

Thursday, August 22: 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. (ET) / 8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. (PT)

Back by popular demand! In the “AI or Not to AI?,关于“人工智能在当今流媒体生态系统中的真正价值”的辩论 Streaming Media NYC, our debate began with the premise 人工智能技术的快速发展及其实施给我们带来了巨大的影响 an inflection point for the M&电子工业,驱动它的工作流程,可能还有工作本身的未来. Is it truly adopt/adapt or die at this point? 人工智能的真正价值是什么? 2024年,它对流媒体从业者最重要的是什么? The debate rolls on at Streaming Media Connect, 作为关键的行业思想领袖和利益相关者,他们表明了自己的立场,并提出了自己的理由. Tune in to watch, learn, and ultimately pick the winners. Viewers decide, and only one side can take the prize!


, Owner + Cartographer, ESHAP


THU3. Case Studies

01:00 PM2024-08-222024-08-22

Thursday, August 22: 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. (ET) / 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. (PT)

In the streaming industry just as elsewhere, nothing succeeds like success! 随着主要行业供应商及其用户分享成功实施和应用程序的深入故事,了解使用尖端流解决方案解决现实问题的方法. ATTEND FOR YOUR CHANCE TO WIN A $50 AMAZON GIFT CARD!


, VP & Editor-in-Chief, Streaming Media, Information Today, Inc.


THU4. Evaluating High-Volume, Low-Latency Transcoding Options

02:30 PM2024-08-222024-08-22

Thursday, August 22: 2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. (ET) / 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. (PT)

High-volume, low-latency transcoding options are essential for conferencing, gaming, gambling, auctioning, and other real-time applications. In this session, we evaluate the cost, throughput, quality, 以及H的多个软硬件转码选项带来的延迟.264, HEVC, and AV1, including those produced by Intel, NVIDIA, and AMD. 


, Owner, Streaming Learning Center