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Buyers' Guide: Video Mixers


At the most basic level, 视频混频器是一种硬件或软件工具,它允许你在不同的视频输入之间切换,或者通过画中画将它们混合在一起, as well add effects like titles and graphics. 它们还可以包括更高级的功能,如音频混音器, chromakey, scoreboards, and many other features.

本买家指南是为新手试图了解不同类型的可用混音器及其优缺点. Accordingly, I’ll start by identifying different categories of mixers, discuss their characteristics, and then conclude with a list of questions to ask before buying. As always, 提及的产品并不详尽,而是该类别中具有代表性的产品. If your product isn’t mentioned, 请随时在本文的网络版本上添加评论.

Let’s jump right in.

Desktop Software

These are video mixers that you install on your computer. 此类别的产品包括Telestream Wirecast (Mac/Windows; Figure 1, below), vMix (Windows), and the open source Open Broadcaster Software (OBS; Mac/Windows/Linux).

Telestream Wirecast Gear

Figure 1. Wirecast Gear system from Telestream

这些产品往往价格合理或免费,与入门级独立设备相比,功能非常强大. 这简化了添加文本/图形和将背景图形和多个源以图中图格式组合在一起的“镜头”. Wirecast (Rendezvous)和vMix (Call)都提供了会议功能,允许您以非常高的质量录制和流式传输远程采访. 两者都可以接受同一网络上的电脑和手机的输入, adding significant production flexibility.

The flip side of this flexibility is ease of use. 虽然这些程序不需要计算机科学学位来操作, 你不会想在没有提供几个小时培训的情况下就把业务交给营销实习生或教会志愿者.

另一个问题是音频/视频输入,这是你需要提供的,这可能会出现问题. If you try to input four cameras via dongles on a MacBook Pro, you’re almost certainly going to run into problems. These software tools can handle complex productions, but if you plan to produce with three or more camera inputs, 你最好购买像Wirecast Gear或vMix系统这样的交钥匙系统,这些系统可以从多个供应商那里获得, 它将提供所有必要的输入和一个足够强大的CPU来处理负载.

In general, 此类别最适合将自己设置和运行现场活动的相当老练的计算机用户.

Entry-Level Hardware Mixers

Entry-level hardware products include the two shown in Figure 2 (below)左边是Feelworld LivePro L1(亚马逊售价329美元),右边是Blackmagic Design ATEM Mini HDMI(亚马逊售价295美元). 两者都可以在各种输入之间切换,具有过渡和画中画的功能,这样你就可以把说话的头和电脑上的PowerPoint输入混合在一起.

Feelworld LivePro L1 and Blackmagic Design ATEM Mini

Figure 2. 入门级硬件设备提供了功能和可用性的两个极端.

Though the price is similar, the ATEM Mini prioritises functionality over usability, while the LivePro does the opposite. For example, 而LivePro则提供了机身上的所有四个输入和通过HDMI输出的预览, the ATEM Mini doesn’t provide either. ATEM Mini也没有耳机插孔,但LivePro有一个.

That said, ATEM Mini软件提供了比LivePro更高级的功能, including an audio mixer with a six-band parametric equaliser, chromakey capabilities, 以及在流中部署带有alpha通道的图像的能力.

请注意,这两种设备都需要一台电脑和流媒体软件来进行实时直播. 也就是说,两者都不能直接连接到互联网,而是输出一个USB 3.0信号,看起来像一个网络摄像头,直播软件程序,如Wirecast, vMix,或OBS.

From a target-user perspective, ATEM迷你是专为技术用户寻找廉价的访问相对高端的混音功能. 相比之下,Feelworld为那些需要简单易用的基本切换功能的用户提供服务.

如果你的预算可以增加到900美元,你也可以考虑下图所示的YoloLiv YoloBox便携式电脑 Figure 3 (below). This unit can accept two HDMI inputs, plus one USB input, video from an SD card, and web input, for a total of five video sources. 您可以在软件中创建标题和覆盖,并通过触摸屏界面执行所有混合.

YoloLiv Yolo Box

Figure 3. The YoloLiv YoloBox is an intuitive all-in-one unit.

Unlike the Feelworld and ATEM units, YoloBox可以对您的出站流进行编码,以便通过以太网传输, Wi-Fi, or 4G LTE Sim card and can record to an SD card right on the unit, so you don’t need to drag a computer to your remote locations. By default, 实时输出流被路由到YoloLiv平台,最多可传送到三个目的地, including YouTube, Facebook Live, Twitter, Twitch, and a custom Real-Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP) location.