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Tutorial: Synchronizing Layer Animations Using Parenting in Adobe After Effects CC 2014

This tutorial demonstrates a versatile and flexible technique that will match animations between layers you choose to connect to enhance, 简化, 加速你的动画制作过程.

In this quick tutorial, we’ll look at using parenting inside of After Effects CC 2014. The goal of these tutorials is to provide you with some quick and easy tips on using After Effects to enhance your videos. Parenting is a neat way to have one layer or object control other layers within your project. 整体, 这是加快动画时间的好方法, 它让你能够测试不同的效果和外观.


We’ll start with After Effects open and we’ll create a new composition by clicking the New Composition button in the Project panel (下面的图1). “合成设置”对话框打开(图2,在图1下面). Here we can give our comp a name and adjust the rest of our timeline settings. We’ll use the 1080 preset that is already selected and then we’ll press the OK button.

图1. 新建合成按钮

图2. 合成设置对话框


With our composition created, we will start adding layers to this project. 开始, we’ll navigate up to our Shape tool and select the Ellipse option from the drop-down menu (下面的图3).

图3. 从“形状”菜单中选择“椭圆”

Now we can click in our Composition panel and drag to the right to create our shape (下面的图4). Holding down the Shift button will allow you to create a shape with even proportions. You can edit Shape options like fill and stroke in this area here but we will leave that as is for now.

图4. 创建形状


Now let's go ahead and add some 文本 to this project by navigating up to the Type tool and selecting it. 我们可以开始在合成面板中输入. 您可以在字符面板中调整字体和大小等选项(下面的图5). You can view any panel that you are not seeing by enabling specific panels under the window options.

图5. 添加和调整文本. 单击图像以查看其全尺寸.

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