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NAB 2023: vMix's Tim Vandenberg Talks NVIDIA GPU Unlocking, SRT, and vMix 26

In many respects, vMix established itself as the indispensable solution for 远程生产商 与多个远程人才源合作,作为流行病,并陪同许多主播进入 云生产 as COVID accelerated the shift to cloud workflows, the company continues to charge ahead with innovations and 新功能通过利用更新的NVIDIA NVENC编码器,它在GPU解锁方面取得了长足的进步. 

流媒体 contributing editor 肖恩林 of SLVLive 深入研究了所有这些和更多,因为他赶上了vMix运营经理蒂姆范登堡在 vMix 在NAB 2023的展位.

Bringing NVENC-enabled Simultaneous Streams and Records to the Masses

"Let's start off with GPU unlocking from NVIDIA,林问道。, diving 正确的 in. “这让你在NVENC编码器方面做了什么,并将其推向大众?" 
"The latest NVIDIA drivers have allowed for five hardware encodes, after limiting it to two for the longest time,范登堡说, “所以这让很多人可以做三次流媒体和两次录音, or ISO recordings if they wanted to as well." 

“在过去,Lam回答道, "I think a lot of producers started with camcorders, 但当事情发生在PTZ时, 除非你使用Quadro卡支持的工作站,否则相机内录制功能一直不存在. 但现在, on a laptop system with a GeForce consumer card, now we can ISO record a couple and stream and record. I probably had you guys pretty excited about that announcement."

“我是在论坛上发现的,并没有真正看到NVIDIA的发布, because it was hidden in the actual release notes, 不是主要的新闻稿,范登堡说. "So I had to dig down and prove that it was there. 然后当我意识到, 我检查了我们所有的机器, tried all our cards to make sure it would work. And because vMix is only controlled by whatever the driver allows, 只要他们加进去, 你可以在vMix中从3到5,你不需要做任何其他事情."


近年来生产商越来越多地采用vmix驱动的云流工作流程的关键之一是 安全可靠传输(SRT), though not everyone fully grasps its application or its benefits, as well as how it differs from or complements NDI. "In our own workflows," Lam 说s, "we're doing a lot of NDI. One of the things we haven't touched on too much yet is SRT. 什么是SRT? How do you support that, and where is it utilized?"

范登堡解释说:“NDI更加本地化,它依赖于“LAN上的本地网络”. 而SRT更像是一种广域网的情况你在本地网络之外做远程内容. 所以你可以发送一个SRT——安全可靠的传输——将一个流从一个点通过互联网发送到另一个点. 它通常被用于那些在AWS实例中运行vMix的人在那里他们运行本地摄像头, but then mixing and switching everything via the cloud. It's all about remote point-to-point video."

One of the hallmarks of SRT--embedded in its name--is its reliability, 林断言, and its ability to leverage readily available bandwidth resources. "And it does all this in a reliable manner too, 正确的, 只是使用, the available internet that you have, whether it's mobile data or ethernet, 但不需要真的依靠卫星或其他类型的运输协议. "

“没错,”范登堡说. "You're not completely taking out the satellite, 很明显, but if doing a production where you have good internet access, 可以设置延迟时间, the stream to provide the best quality coming through. 所以这真的很好. 我们在2020年之前就得到了支持,他继续说道, 但当大流行来袭时, “对于那些由于COVID和远程协议而无法在现场进行远程制作的人来说, it was great to have SRT as an option."
Lam inquires about other supported protocols, 例如LIVE LAN, 在vMix 25中添加的, for sending video out of vMix via ethernet to locally connected projectors. “这是怎么回事?"

“这有点不同,范登堡说, “因为我们有很多人只想显示他们的流的本地feed,我们就像, “我们该怎么做呢??' because NDI will need a decoder on the other end. 因此,我们认为可以尝试使用HLS向本地网络提供流. 大多数智能电视都有一个浏览器,你只要把它放进去就可以播放了. HLS的唯一问题是,它需要大约10秒的延迟来确保一切顺利. But typically if you're not viewing the same area, 比如在另一个房间, 通常都很好. 它可能并不适合所有人,但它是很多人的解决方案."

It's important to have such "in-built solutions,Lam回答道, "that aren't reliant on separate hardware decodes, because a lot of times in a live environment, 客户说, 'We have too many people in the room, now we have to have an overflow room. 你怎么帮我们? 顺便说一下,那个房间离我们有一千英尺远,太远了,没法直接把电缆放进去.所以这是一种选择." 
范登堡同意. “你不希望播放一个流媒体,然后让别人在手机上下载YouTube,以便观看隔壁房间的流媒体等等." 

什么是新的vMix 26

NAB 2023标志着vMix 26的公开亮相,这是该解决方案的最新全面升级. "So what else is new under the hood in vMix?林问道。.

“对于那些想要停止在电子竞技中作弊的人来说,26有一个流延迟, 你可以在流上设置延迟,这样人们就不会像流狙击一样.范登堡说. 
He also notes that the new version adds 15 new mix effects.

"I love the mix effects by the way," enthuses Lam. "When you brought out the initial few, I was like, 'I need more.' So tell viewers how does the mix effect work, and why do I love it so much?"

范登堡说:“它允许你创建一个单独的输入,它可以是一个输出。. “所以你可以, 说, 叠加或输出,你从vMix发送自己的过渡. 你可以再混合一下. You can have your own separate sub-production within a production, and now you can have 15 of them for various things. So you could be sending a mix out to a big screen, but also overlaying that in vMix and using the transitions the same way."

"I use it all the time with templates," 说s Lam. "We'll have multiview templates with three remote panel presenters, 然后是幻灯片, 还有虫子和商标. And then if the mix of presenters changes, I just simply switch in the mix effect, 哪一个是分配给那个的. 这只是混合成分. 它给了我更多的工具这样我就不会有太多的输入我要从——我只是在输入2中混合子混合物, 例如. 这是一个很棒的功能." 

Vandenberg catalogs other new additions such as title templates and SRT replay, “这样人们就可以进行远程回放, which is pretty handy if you're doing remote sports; and we added a bunch of vertical production stuff, 如果你想要的话,你可以在垂直和水平方向得到高质量."
"You'd be surprised," 说s Vandenberg. "There are a lot of different avenues for vertical now. 我知道这是广播,但是..."

"It definitely has huge usage for signage," 说s Lam. "There are a lot of vertical displays. It doesn't matter what we think of it. If it's needed, it's nice that you support it."

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

NAB 2023: BirdDog Talks X120 NDI|HX3 PTZ Camera

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NAB 2023: Atomos Talks NDI and Shogun Connect

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NAB 2023: Magewell Talks USB Fusion

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Tutorial: Building a Remote AWS EC2 Server for Use With vMix

您是否对AWS EC2服务器是什么以及它能为您做些什么感到好奇? 假设您当前的计算机设置低于标准,或者您可能需要使用vMix进行远程生产的第二个单元. EC2是一个可行的解决方案.


目前, 微软Teams和Skype for Business是仅有的两个支持NDI的视频会议应用程序. We have built our remote streaming solutions around Teams. 下面是它的工作原理.

Stream Multicam HD From a 4K Camera Using vMix 4K Virtual Inputs

想象一下,不需要操作员就能从一台摄像机获得多摄像机的结果. 好吧, 这是现实:使用vMix, 制片人可以让一台4K摄像机像多个虚拟高清摄像机一样工作.
