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Biographical Information

Shawn Lam

Owner, Shawn Lam Video

Shawn Lam(视频来自shawnlam).ca) runs Shawn Lam Video, a 温哥华视频制作工作室. 他专门从事舞台活动和企业视频制作和网络交付.

Articles for Shawn Lam


随着vMix 27的发布,Windows制作人现在可以在vMix中获得干净的Zoom会议输入. The best part is that there are no additional upfront or monthly subscription costs to vMix 27users with an HD, 4K, Pro, or Max license. 所有需要的是下载缩放插件的vMix. Here's how it works.

NAB 2024:鸟狗会谈X1和X1 Ultra PTZs和MAKI盒子相机

BirdDog Founder & CEO Dan Miall discusses BirdDog's newest camera offerings--the X1 and X1 Ultra PTZs and the MAKI Ultra box camera--in this interview with Streaming Media's Shawn Lam from the BirdDog booth at NAB 2024.

NAB 2024: Allen & Heath Talks CQ系列数字音频混频器

Allen & Heath市场营销专家理查德·斯塔尔让观众近距离观察艾伦 & 希思的CQ系列数字音频混频器与他们的触摸屏和物理控制, automatic mic mixer, presets for conferences, garage bands, and more, 和远程操作能力,这是对来自艾伦的流媒体的肖恩·林的采访 & Heath booth at NAB 2024.

NAB 2024:黑魔法设计,SMPTE 2110和IP视频

在NAB 2024的Blackmagic设计展位上接受采访, Blackmagic Design's Bob Caniglia and Streaming Media's Shawn Lam discuss how Blackmagic is enabling producers to convert 4K and HD signals to SMPTE 2110 so they can move content across IP networks, with their new open-source 2110 IP codec and new 10 gig port-equipped Blackmagic Design cameras that support it like the PYXIS 6K and the URSA Cine 12K.

NAB 2024: vMix会谈vMix 27和缩放集成

vMix 27的主要特性之一是Zoom集成, 允许远程百家乐软件app最新版下载引入(理论上)无限数量的远程访客, vMix Senior Systems Engineer Heath Barker reports in this interview with Streaming Media's Shawn Lam in the vMix booth at NAB. Barker还快速演示了该功能的工作原理.

NAB 2024: PTZOptics会谈蜂巢工作室和远程相机控制

PTZOptics技术总监Matthew Davis讨论Hive Studio, PTZOptics新的基于云的远程相机控制解决方案, 这是在NAB 2024上对流媒体的肖恩·林的采访.

NAB 2024: Atomos谈论忍者手机

在NAB 2024的展厅里, Shawn Lam of Streaming Media and SLV Live interviews Atomos CEO Jeromy Young about the new Atomos Ninja Phone, 如何将iPhone 15 Pro或Pro Max变成1600像素, 10-bit, 2,000,000:1 contrast ratio, 460ppi, HDR OLED, ProRes监视器记录仪的任何专业HDMI相机.

回顾:黑魔设计ATEM电视工作室HD8 ISO, Studio Camera 6K Pro, 和ATEM麦克风转换器

黑魔设计电视工作室的ATEM HD8(2美元),995) and HD8 ISO ($3,995)是一体化高清视频切换/广播控制面板. On their own they are very capable HD video switchers suitable for studio installations and remote productions. 这些开关的神奇之处在于,当与其他支持的黑魔法装备配对时, they can unlock unique production workflow solutions that are easy to implement and go well beyond what you would expect a desktop video switcher to be able to do on its own.

NAB 2023:鸟狗会谈X120 NDI|HX3 PTZ相机

BirdDog CEO & Co-Founder Dan Miall joins Streaming Media's Shawn Lam in the BirdDog booth at NAB 2023 to discuss the BirdDog X120, 一款新的NDI|HX3 20X PTZ摄像头被称为“世界上第一个Wi-Fi生产PTZ”,售价995美元.

NAB 2023: Datavideo Talks iCast 10 All-in-One Streaming Switcher

Datavideo的John Devries和Streaming Media的Shawn Lam讨论iCAST 10 NDI, 在NAB 2023的Datavideo展台上接受采访的一位基于ndi的交换机.

NAB 2023: Atomos谈论NDI和幕府连接

Atomos Senior VP Product Paul Scurrell discusses new developments at Atomos including NDI support and the Atomos Shodun Connect in this interview with Streaming Media contributing editor Shawn Lam in the Atomos booth at NAB 2023.

NAB 2023: Magewell谈论USB融合

MVD Director of Product Development Ryan Brenneman discusses the USB Fusion multi-input USB video capture device with integrated source switching and layout control switcher with Streaming Media's Shawn Lam in this interview from the Magewell booth at NAB 2023.

NAB 2023: vMix的蒂姆范登堡会谈NVIDIA GPU解锁,SRT和vMix 26

vMix Operations Manager Tim Vandenberg and Streaming Media's Shawn Lam discuss multistream encoding via GPU unlocking, SRT output, 新的混合效果和更多的vMix 26和更多的vMix展位在NAB 2023.

NAB 2023: AJA的Bryce Button谈论OpenGear Dante集成和Bridge Live

AJA Director of Product Marketing Bryce Button and Streaming Media's Shawn Lam discuss the integration of AJA's OpenGear cards with Dante Audinate and the Dante A/V network and other news from AJA in this interview from NAB 2023.


今天的专业PTZ摄像机与其前身的安全摄像机完全不同. 现在你可以找到具有所有专业功能的模型, technology, 以及专业摄像机和数码电影摄像机上的硬件. In this PTZ buyers guide, I'll explain many of these features so you can make informed decisions when evaluating PTZ cameras in your own video production workflows.

Netgear M4250网络交换机

As streaming producers, 我们已经被期望提供摄像机方面的专业知识, switchers, live streaming, audio, 用过下法缠绕电缆. 我们现在如何掌握NDI的高级网管要求? 从Netgear M4250 AV系列交换机开始.


Blackmagic为经济实惠和专业的一体化高清视频切换器设定了新的标准, 最大的考虑是哪个模型适合您的工作流.

评测:佳能N500 PTZ相机

与其他1英寸传感器PTZ摄像机相比,售价5399美元的佳能N500很便宜. 支持4K/30P和NDI|HX2, 它有一个长的15倍光学变焦镜头和双XLR音频输入, 支持低功耗POE+标准.

教程:在Blackmagic ATEM Mini Extreme上使用SuperSource

Blackmagic Design calls its PxP feature SuperSource and it used to only be available on their highest-end switchers, ATEM 2m /E Production Studio 4K, ATEM 4 M/E广播工作室4K, and ATEM Constellation 8K. 虽然大部分工作流程与我们将在这里讨论的相同, in this tutorial, we will be discussing SuperSource on the newest and more budget friendly ATEM Mini Extreme and ATEM Mini Extreme ISO video switchers.


At present, 微软Teams和Skype for Business是仅有的两个支持NDI的视频会议应用程序. 我们已经围绕Teams构建了远程流媒体解决方案. Here's how it works.


如果你正在寻找一种方法来提升你的直播产品,而不是客户自己能做的, 然后你会想在你的作品中接管更多的控制权, 从PxP和PiP的外观开始, 使用外部硬件和/或软件. The benefit of this approach is that your recordings will generate a standard HD signal for later editing and on-demand viewing on different platforms.


Pandemic-era social distancing and the pivot to remote production have brought Zoom into the mix for many live producers who might have never used it before. Live X's Corey Behnke, SLV Live's Shawn Lam, and LiveSports LLC's Jef Kethley discuss how Zoom has entered their workflows in this clip from Streaming Media West Connect 2020.

回顾:Blackmagic ATEM迷你视频切换器

他们的新ATEM迷你视频切换器, Blackmagic Design has packed thousands of dollars of value into a $295 appliance that costs less than buying many of its individual constituent parts.


为视频录制或实时流混合音频涉及许多相同的技术和设备, but each has different production standards and you don't have to worry with live sound reinforcement using loudspeakers. In this article, 我解释了我同时为这两种环境混合音频的方法.

教程:如何利用IBM Watson Media的最新交互式网络广播功能

以前被称为Ustream的直播平台现在允许用户在视频中添加幻灯片和字幕. 我们将深入研究这些功能,并讨论其投票和注册门的持续问题.


为在线制作选择视频主机意味着要考虑功能的平衡, cost, and ease of distribution. 本文将根据项目和客户的需求重点介绍一系列解决方案.


Titler Live Complete 4是一个非常强大的空中图形解决方案,价格实惠, easy to use, 并且易于连接多个视频切换器和数据源.


在本系列的第2部分中, Shawn Lam讨论了V-60HD的两个关键功能:智能理货和自动混合.


在本系列的第1部分中, 肖恩林介绍了V-60HD和讨论其紧凑的尺寸, versatility, and AUX outputs.

回顾:Magewell USB Capture HDMI 4K Plus

Video producers, consider making the Magewell USB Capture HDMI 4K Plus video capture dongle for 4K cameras part of any laptop-based webcast workflow.


不知道从哪里开始4K视频? 请阅读本文,了解有关整个超高清视频工作流程的专家建议, 从摄像机的选择到编码的考虑.


Sooner or later, 任何事件制作人都可能被要求创建一个带有HDR观看选项的实时视频流. 这篇关于Hybrid Log Gamma工作流的入门文章是一个很好的开始.


传统上,制作互动网络研讨会需要昂贵的Q服务 & A、轮询、参与者管理等主流平台不支持的特性. 作为替代方案,了解IBM Cloud Video如何提供类似于网络研讨会的体验.

NAB 2018: Vimeo讨论直播收购和整合

Streaming Media's Shawn Lam and Vimeo's Mark Kornfilt discuss Vimeo's acquisition of Livestream and implications for the Vimeo platform.


This is the first ATEM model that isn't a rackmount switcher but rather an all-in-one switcher with hardware control panel.


了解如何制作现场4K直播网络广播, 包括相机选择, video cables, video switching, capture cards, webcast encoder options, bandwidth requirements, and more.


This article explains what features to look for when choosing a capture card to incorporate into your live switching and streaming workflow.


This article will discuss how to assemble the essential components of a 4K live-switched webcasting workflow packed with as many features as you can for under $5,000.

流式Multicam高清从4K摄像机使用vMix 4K虚拟输入

想象一下,不需要操作员就能从一台摄像机获得多摄像机的结果. Well, it's a reality: With vMix, 制片人可以让一台4K摄像机像多个虚拟高清摄像机一样工作.

Review: Sony PXW-FS5

Talk about a rave review: This Sony delivers everything needed in a professional video camera: Sony's large-sensor, an interchangeable-lens, 和支持4k的PXW-FS5 XDCAM Super35.


制作人在同时管理现场和在线观众和主持人时面临着独特的需求. 这里有两种不同的方法可以达到出色的效果.


在大多数实况高清视频制作中都需要信号转换, and this article will discuss how to convert modern and legacy video signals to the most common outputs required in modern HD and 4K broadcasts.


我们的一些顶级作家研究了过去12个月发布的设备,以选出最有趣的, innovative, 以及突破性的视频产品和技术.


Integrating social media boosts engagement and encourages viewers to use their second screens to interact with content producers and other viewers.


自4月份的NAB会议以来,4K工作流选项不断膨胀. 下面介绍一下制作和传输4K视频所需的硬件、录制媒体和编解码器.


这一切都是关于找到合适的技术和创建最好的工作流程, 尤其是在流媒体直播视频时.


Spend a little or spend a lot -- there's a tremendous price range -- but be sure to ask these questions before you buy a production switcher.