
The 流媒体展示 at Streaming Media East 20022 is your opportunity to develop a short list of streaming media technology and service providers that can help you overcome your online video challenges. You’ll gain exclusive access to the world’s leading companies who are forging a path to a new era of digital media. 我们的展示厅被设计为与会者的会议和聚会场所, speakers, 行业专家. Here, 你们可以分享想法, seek advice, 和朋友们打成一片, colleagues, 以及业内的思想领袖. 所有通行证选项都包含访问权限. 有兴趣赞助流媒体东部2022? Find out more now!

Showcase Hours

2022年5月24日星期二10:00.m. - 5:30 p.m.
  Happy Hour 4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.

2022年5月25日,星期三,上午10:00.m. - 2:30 p.m.


Diamond Sponsors

Booth 203

Conviva是流媒体的全面普查,连续测量分析平台. 由我们全面的测量流传感器™提供动力, 我们的实时平台为营销人员提供即时可操作的见解, technology teams, 获得工程和客户服务团队, engage, 盈利并留住用户. Conviva致力于支持DAZN等品牌, Disney+, Hulu, Paramount+, Peacock, Sky, Sling TV, TED和WarnerMedia开启了流媒体领域不可思议的机遇. 今天,我们的平台每天处理超过3万亿个流数据事件, supporting more than 500 million unique viewers watching 200 billion streams per year across 4 billion device applications. Conviva确保各种规模的数字企业都能更好地传输数据——每一条数据流, every screen, every second. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.conviva.com.

Booth 103
Panopto, Inc.

Panopto 是企业视频平台的领导者吗. Since 2007, 我们帮助企业改善培训和入职培训, reduce costs, live stream events, 并通过使用安全的直播和点播视频学习来提高员工的工作效率.

Panopto是专业人士分享知识的平台. Since 2007, 该公司一直是视频捕捉软件的先驱, 视频内容管理系统, 以及视频内部搜索技术. 财富1000强公司和领先的学术机构, including GE, Qualcomm, New York Life, and Stanford, 依靠Panopto作为一个简单的, 捕捉培训视频的一体化解决方案, live stream events, 分享他们的视频, searchable, 类似youtube的门户. Panopto has been recognized by Gartner as a leader in enterprise video content management for four years running. 总部设在西雅图,在匹兹堡、伦敦、香港和悉尼设有办事处. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.panopto.com

Booth 202
Tulix Systems

自流媒体视频开始以来,Tulix一直提供流媒体解决方案和服务. 我们提供低延迟的实时事件流, OTT和IPTV解决方案, plus TullixCDN, 一个低成本和高效的内容交付网络. Tulix offers video playout and cloud origination from our data center suitable for all types of content owners. Tulix also has FAST and FAST network and channel services and partners with portals for aggregating and monetizing streaming channels and content. Tulix提供端到端视频传输服务和平台,包括转码, content management, 盈利和计费, analytics, security, 以及面向观众和订阅者的应用程序. 我们为内容所有者服务, broadcasters, OTT和IPTV运营商, enterprises, 礼拜场所和现场活动流媒体客户. Tulix服务制作流媒体, video delivery, 向观众和订阅者提供内容既简单又经济.

Platinum Sponsors

Booth 305

50多年来,AMD一直在推动高性能计算领域的创新, 图形和可视化技术. 数十亿人, leading Fortune 500 businesses and cutting-edge scientific research institutions around the world rely on AMD technology daily to improve how they live, work and play. AMD employees are focused on building leadership high-performance and adaptive products that push the boundaries of what is possible. 有关AMD如何实现今天和鼓舞未来的更多信息,请访问 www.amd.com. 


Booth 113

Bitmovin’s Emmy® award-winning software solutions are built for technical professionals in the OTT video market, 旨在优化客户操作,缩短产品上市时间, 增强观众体验. Bitmovin的C轮融资为该公司无与伦比的设备覆盖范围提供了动力, flexibility, 并承诺为客户提供支持. 在bitmovin了解更多信息.com.

Booth 106

镉简化了生活的生产, 混合和虚拟事件,并最大限度地利用单一的在线学习的价值, 灵活的平台,旨在捕捉人们的化学反应, ideas, and knowledge. The company’s software products are trusted by more than 900 content-driven organizations worldwide to generate revenue, 提高客户保留率, 降低活动和教育活动的运营成本.


Edgecast为媒体公司和全球企业提供边缘解决方案. 建立在业界领先的全球边缘网络之上, 我们高品质的交货, compute, 安全和流媒体解决方案为世界上一些最大的网站提供动力和保护, apps, and OTT services. 了解Edgecast如何为未来的体验提供动力的更多信息 www.edgecast.com.

Booth 102
Harmonic Inc.

Harmonic, 虚拟化有线接入和视频传输解决方案的全球领导者, enables media companies and service providers to deliver ultra-high-quality video streaming and broadcast services to consumers globally. The company revolutionized cable access networking via the industry’s first virtualized cable access solution, enabling cable operators to more flexibly deploy gigabit internet service to consumers’ homes and mobile devices. 是否通过创新的云和软件平台简化OTT视频传输, 或者为千兆互联网有线电视服务的交付提供动力, Harmonic is changing the way media companies and service providers monetize live and on-demand content on every screen.

Booth 212

Penthera works with video providers around the world to improve video quality by extending the edge of their video infrastructure to the viewer’s device. Penthera’s Personal Edge products reduce Quality of Experience issues caused by unreliable last-mile networks so that viewers can watch uninterrupted, 高质量的视频,无论他们在哪里. Penthera长期以来一直是解决体验质量问题的值得信赖的合作伙伴, 现在,我们正在用我们的最新产品帮助广告支持的视频行业增加收入, 2nd Look.  2nd Look提供更高的填充率, render rates, 和cpm来避免使用服务器端广告插入的服务. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.penthera.com

Booth 303

Signiant’s advanced transport technology has long been trusted by the media industry for mission-critical file transfer applications across the global supply chain. signant的软件定义内容交换(SDCX) SaaS平台提供了快速, reliable, 通过任何IP网络安全地移动大型数据集, 具有全面的控制和可见性在任何规模. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 http://www.signiant.com.

Booth 108

SSIMWAVE® is the creator of the Video Experience Automation category enabling the assessment of video quality at scale so that video streaming services can reduce their operational costs and stop worrying about quality drop-offs. The SSIMPLUS® quality metric powers our VQ Dial and Video Intelligence Suite products in order for customers to enjoy the peace of mind that comes from the only end-to-end solution that is correlated to human vision. SSIMWAVE成立于2013年,位于滑铁卢, 在加拿大,他们为世界上一些最大的媒体和娱乐客户提供服务.

Booth 302

StackPath是一个边缘云平台, providing cloud services that are physically closer to end-users than core cloud providers’ services – ideal for media, entertainment, 以及游戏公司的建立, protect, 加速媒体投放, games, websites, applications, and more. 用StackPath建立你的优势.

Booth 308

Synamedia帮助世界各地的服务提供商交付, protect, and monetize video content so they can deliver the best entertainment experience across any platform. Our Video Network 投资组合提供安全保障, end-to-end, 开放视频分发, 可以在内部部署的处理和交付解决方案, virtualized, 或即服务视频工作流.

Our Video Network technology is trusted by over 1000 global video service providers ranging from satellite DTH, cable MSOs, 电信和OTT运营商, broadcasters, 媒体公司.

Booth 100

Zixi, 获奖的软件定义视频平台(SDVP)架构师, 在启用方面的行业领导者可靠吗, 任何IP网络上的直播质量视频, any protocol, 任何云和任何边缘设备. 我们为广播公司提供技术, enterprises, 顶级视频提供商, 以及世界各地的服务提供商, 使它更容易和经济的来源, 安全、大规模地管理和分发实时事件和实时线性通道.

Gold Sponsors

Booth 307

Ateme支持成千上万的世界领先的内容所有者, broadcasters and service providers to captivate their audiences with a superior quality of experieence through multi-codec encoding, 任何格式的起源/包装, scalable cloud DVR, 受众感知CDN和产生收入的动态广告插入解决方案.

Find out more: www.ateme.com. 

Booth 109

白山云是一个在中国拥有区域专长的全球边缘云网络, Southeast Asia, 中东CDN. 白山提供基础设施服务, security solutions, 以及提供更快的开发人员服务, more secure, and agile cloud delivery so that you can reduce cost and latency with secure access in your digital transformation.

Booth 209

Lightcast.com是一个端到端的OTT流媒体提供商, 具有直观的媒体管理系统和集成的OTT应用框架, 允许出版商自动化媒体工作流程并发布VOD, AOD, live-events, 线性流到所有领先的平台- web, mobile, social and OTT.

Our award-winning media management system (CMS) the "Media Cloud" allows content producers and publishers to upload, manage, 控制和货币化他们的所有内容, streams, files, metadata, image & sidecar files, 应用导航结构, 跨越所有连接的网站, social platforms, 手机应用和电视应用.



Booth 304

LiveU正在塑造视频直播的未来, 支持视频制作工作流和新闻云服务, sports, 还有其他垂直方向. 建立在我们的全球市场领导地位和 innovation, LiveU提供最高的质量, reliable, 为所有类型的现场演出提供具有成本效益的端到端解决方案——以更少的成本生产更多的产品.

Booth 104

Wiland是用户反应的最佳预测者. 与品牌独特的受众,推动卓越的活动结果, Wiland为媒体带来了以人为本的营销的未来 and subscription brands across all addressable channels by equipping advertisers with the most accurate media targeting possible.

Silver Sponsors


broadpeak.io is a Saas视频API平台 这简化了视频流. broadpeak.IO为运营商提供了一个简单的, fast, and reliable way to deliver advanced streaming quality to their subscribers with applications such as black out, 虚拟信道和AD插入. broadpeak.io利用Broadpeak一流的流媒体技术和经验. More at http://www.broadpeak.io/


CDN77, 全球领先的内容交付网络服务提供商之一, 帮助世界上最受欢迎的网站和应用程序为用户带来无缝的在线体验. 决心永远提供最好的表现, 特殊支持, 以及客户至上的方法, CDN77为CDN市场注入了新的动力.

Bronze Sponsors

Booth 213

diDNA provides a connected ecosystem for publishers and ad tech partners looking to maximize ad revenue by optimizing streaming media. 他们提供了一种整体的视频盈利方法, 包括为web播放器提供服务, CTV, 移动应用程序, and more. diDNA方法包括利用核心广告技术, 获得优质需求合作伙伴, 以及一个专门的收益优化团队.

Booth 114

EZDRM是数字版权管理即服务(DRMaaS)的原创专家。, 提供直截了当的, 一站式解决方案,保护和货币化您的视频内容自2003年以来. 我们完全管理的DRMaaS产品可以轻松支持安全直播, on-demand, 可下载和离线视频服务交付. EZDRM的通用加密(CENC)的通用DRM服务包括对微软PlayReady的支持, 谷歌Widevine和华为WisePlay通过单一DRM, 精简服务API. This is complemented with EZDRM’s Apple FairPlay Streaming DRM to provide a full range of content protection requirements for HLS, MPEG-DASH和CMAF在一个, 易于使用的多drm解决方案.

Booth 111
Resi Media

Resi provides multi-platform online and site-to-site video streaming with unprecedented quality and reliability. 通过获得专利的弹性流协议, 即使在互联网完全中断的情况下,100%的内容传输也是可能的.

Booth 208
US Broadcast

US Broadcast Distribution provides broadcasting and audiovisual products to resellers and integrators worldwide. We combine products from industry-leading brands to create solutions from content acquisition to distribution. 从流媒体频道到电视台, 从教堂到政府和教育机构, 我们提供最好的产品来传达您的信息.

Booth 112

Wave.video is an all-in-one video platform that combines five must-have products for successful video marketing: live streaming studio, 视频录制应用, video editor, thumbnail maker, and video hosting. On top of it, 你可以访问超过2亿的库存视频, photos, 和音轨和超过1000个可定制的视频模板. 


Booth 110

Mobeon制作交互式虚拟事件和直播, whether in studio, 远程或现场. We are a full service interactive creative agency and studio for brands and content creators who seek innovative ways to connect with their community.

Booth TBD

流媒体杂志是企业投资机构可信赖的百家乐软件, news/entertainment, 以及流媒体和其他数字媒体的教育应用. 在线音频和视频现在是商业和消费者内容的首选交付方式, 流媒体杂志报道了这一过程, products, 以及实现这一目标的服务. 现在就在我们的网站上注册免费订阅.
